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Successful first financial year for the Baloise Swiss Property Fund
Media releases Successful first financial year for the Baloise Swiss Property Fund
Basel, December 10, 2019. The Baloise Swiss Property Fund successfully closed its very first financial year on 30 September 2019. It generated net income totalling CHF 14.3 million. This results in a dividend payout per unit of CHF 3.03 and a dividend yield of 2.83 per cent (in relation to the OTC trading price) for investors.
Real estate portfolio

On 1 October 2018, Baloise Real Estate Management Ltd launched the Baloise Swiss Property Fund with an initial portfolio comprising 35 properties worth CHF 352.3 million. The successful share capital increase at the beginning of September 2019 allowed the fund to acquire an additional 20 properties worth CHF 193.9 million. The market value of the 55 properties amounted to CHF 565.9 million as of 30 September 2019. The increase in the market value of the portfolio as a whole in the amount of CHF 19.7 million can be attributed to the reduction in discount rates, the increase in the rent level for properties going back on the rental market and the appreciation of a renovated property.

Income from real estate

Rental income of CHF 16.8 million was generated in the fund’s first year, with the rent default rate coming to 5.34 per cent at the end of the financial year. There were a number of successes regarding the rental of commercial use properties. By way of examples, a ten-year rental agreement was concluded for a commercial space in a property in Orbe, and existing tenants of commercial space exercised the extension options set out in their rental agreements. The weighted average unexpired lease term (WAULT) amounted to 3.44 years as of 30 September 2019. The debt ratio came to 15.02 per cent at the end of the financial year.

Development in net fund assets

In the first financial year, the net fund assets increased by CHF 214.6 million to CHF 489.6 million due to the acquisition of 20 properties, the increase in cash and cash equivalents, and the appreciation in the value of the portfolio as a whole. The net asset value (NAV) per unit stood at CHF 103.86 as of 30 September 2019 (+3.86 per cent since 1 October 2018). In relation to the OTC trading price of CHF 107.00, this results in a premium of 3.02 per cent. 


The fund management plans to expand the real estate portfolio even further in 2019/2020, the fund’s second financial year. Investments will continue to focus on properties located in cities in fast-growing economic regions and their catchment areas that allow for solid, long-term rental income. Thanks to the low debt ratio of 15.02 per cent, the acquisition of new properties is likely to be financed by taking on liabilities. There are no plans for any share capital increase in the second financial year. At the same time, the fund management intends to forge ahead with measures to optimise the portfolio, tapping into the local potential for rental income offered by value-enhancing renovation projects and subsequent lets, as well as looking into opportunities to sell individual properties.

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Fund information
Name Baloise Swiss Property Fund
Securities no. / ISIN 41455103 / CH0414551033
Fund currency Swiss francs
Appropriation of income Dividends
Legal form Contractual investment fund
Group of investors Restricted to qualified investors within the meaning of Art. 10, para. 3, 3bis and 3ter of the CISA
Fund management company Baloise Real Estate Management Ltd, Basel
Custodian bank UBS Switzerland AG, Zurich
OTC trading Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG, Zurich
Launch date 1.10.2018


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