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Equity World ESG Low Carbon

With the launch of the «Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon» in December 2021, we are now offering an equity fund that is geared globally towards developed countries and focuses both on reducing climate risks and on applying Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) exclusion criteria.

The fund offers investors an attractive risk/return profile with lower carbon intensity compared to the broad market. The strategy is implemented by replicating a multi-strategy and multi-factor index by Scientific Beta, a leading research company of the renowned EDHEC Risk Institute.

Document in german Fondsprofil Aktien Welt ESG Low Carbon pdf - 294 KB
«A rule-based investment approach generates systematic and replicable investment decisions, transparent and comprehensible from the client's perspective.»

Portfolio Management Equities, Asset Management of Baloise

Equity Switzerland Corporate Governance

With the «Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Equity Switzerland Corporate Governance passive» Baloise offers a passively managed Swiss equity fund since December 2022, that reduces the weighting of those companies in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) that have governance risks, high CO2 risks and/or serious ESG controversies. 

By passively tracking a recognized index, the Ethos Swiss Corporate Governance Index (ESCGI), which focuses on the two core areas of environment and governance, the fund aims to outweigh companies in the portfolio that follow best practices in terms of governance and climate strategy.   

Document in german Fondsprofil Baloise Equity Switzerland Corporate Governance passive pdf - 152 KB
«Governance risks are rarely considered in traditional indices. With this fund, Baloise offers an innovative solution that allows investors the possibility to better manage these risks.»

Andreas Degen, Portfolio Manager,  Asset Management of Baloise

Equities Switzerland

We offer an actively and a passively managed fund. The “Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Equities Switzerland” (BFI Equities Switzerland) investment fund aims to achieve an attractive long-term return above the benchmark Swiss Performance Index (SPI) through the active selection of high-quality shares with high and stable dividend incomes.

The “Baloise Fund Invest (CH) - Equities Switzerland passive” investment fund tracks the Swiss Performance Index (SPI), with the aim of achieving a return as close as possible to the index.

Equities World ex Switzerland

The two investment funds «Baloise Fund Invest (CH) – Equities World ex Switzerland» and «Baloise Fund Invest 2 (CH) – Equities World ex Switzerland» (BFI Equities World ex Switzerland) invest globally in equities from industrial nations. By opting for a systematic «value & quality»approach, the asset manager is able to supplement attractive value stocks with the equities of highly profitable companies, thus accomplishing above-average returns compared with the MSCI World ex Switzerland.

“Investing according to clear, pre-defined rules is the key to success. By doing so, you remain true to your principles.”

Portfoliomanagement, Asset Management 

Factsheets (in German)
BFI (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon I CHF Cap pdf - 169 KB BFI (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon IU CHF Cap pdf - 169 KB BFI (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon N CHF Cap pdf - 169 KB BFI (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon U CHF Cap pdf - 169 KB BFI (CH) - Equity World ESG Low Carbon Z CHF Cap pdf - 169 KB
BFI (CH) - Equity Switzerland Corporate Governance I CHF Cap pdf - 166 KB BFI (CH) - Equity Switzerland Corporate Governance N CHF Cap pdf - 165 KB
BFI (CH) - Aktien Schweiz M CHF Cap pdf - 124 KB BFI (CH) - Aktien Schweiz Z CHF Dis pdf - 125 KB
BFI 2 (CH) - IF Aktien Welt ex Schweiz U CHF Cap pdf - 135 KB
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